Author Carter Frambes

Illinois Supreme Court Clarifies Analysis on Anti-SLAPP Dismissals 

Strategic lawsuits against public participation (also known as “SLAPP” suits) are lawsuits intended to censor, intimidate and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of legal defense until they abandon their criticism or opposition.  735 ILCS 110/15 provides a… Continue Reading →

Illinois Appellate Court Affirms Dismissal of Lawsuit Based on Tort Immunity Act

Section 2-107 of the Illinois Local Governmental and Government Tort Immunity Act provides that “A local public entity is not liable for injury caused by any action of its employees that is libelous or slanderous or for the provision of… Continue Reading →

Seventh Circuit Confirms that Probable Cause Inquiry is Centered on Information Available to Police at the Time of Arrest

A valid arrest requires probable cause. In Madero v. McGuiness, No. 23-2574, the Seventh Circuit affirmed that the inquiry as to whether there is probable cause for an arrest is based on the information reasonably available to the police at… Continue Reading →

Contractor’s Reliance on City’s Design Specifications Defeats a Premises Liability Claim

In Bitsky v. City of Chicago, et al., 2023 IL App (1st) 220266, the court reaffirmed its adherence to prior Illinois precedent which allows a contractor to avoid liability for a premises claim where it carefully follows specifications set by… Continue Reading →

Plaintiff’s Failure to Show Actual or Constructive Notice Defeats a Premises Liability Case

In Ory v. City of Naperville, 2023 IL App (3d) 220105, the court provided further insight into the requirements of actual or constructive notice in a premises liability case. In Ory, the plaintiff brought claims sounding in negligence and premises… Continue Reading →

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