Tag school

Katie E. Ngo Joins Tressler’s Local Government Practice Group

Tressler is delighted to welcome Katie E. Ngo as senior counsel in our Local Government Practice Group. Katie concentrates her practice in all aspects of school law. She works directly with superintendents and administrators to ensure compliance with the Illinois School Code,… Continue Reading →

Charles A. LeMoine to Present at the 26th Annual IASBO Risk Management Academy – AAC #1283

Tressler attorney Charles A. LeMoine will present at the 26th Annual IASBO Risk Management Academy – AAC #1283 on March 21, 2024. He will discuss the topic of “Understanding Construction Contracts for School Administrators.” The presentation will focus on understanding key aspects… Continue Reading →

Seventh Circuit Upholds Discharge of Teacher Over Transgender Name Policy

The Seventh Circuit ruled in favor of the school district and found that a high school teacher did not have the right to ignore the school’s transgender name and pronoun policy because of his religious beliefs. Kluge v. Brownsburg Community School… Continue Reading →

Supreme Court Rules Student Off-Campus Speech Protected By First Amendment

In a decision earlier last week, in Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L., the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a student cheerleader’s off-campus F-bombs about her school is protected speech under the First Amendment. The speech involved a series of… Continue Reading →

Court of Appeals Rejects Attorney General’s Expansive Interpretation of the Open Meetings Act

An Illinois Court of Appeals followed the clear language of the Open Meetings Act (the Act) and reversed a recent Illinois Attorney General (AG) Public Access Counselor’s (PAC) opinion that would have expanded the amount of information required to be… Continue Reading →

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