Consolidated Election

First Tuesday in April

April 6, 2021

As the April 2021 election fast approaches, many clerks and local election officials will be responsible for accepting nomination petitions. Generally, a receipt upon the filing of a petition is provided but are they aware that they are also required to provide a “Notice of Obligation”?

The official with whom nomination papers are filed must provide to each candidate at the time they file nomination papers a Notice of Obligation to comply with the Illinois Campaign Financing Act.

The notice will state that the manual of instructions and forms for statements required to be filed under Article 9 of the Election Code are available from the State Board of Elections. Such a form Notice if Obligation is shown here. (10 ILCS 5/7-12(7), 9-16, 10-6.1; 60 ILCS 1/45-35).

If you have need of guidance in election matters, please feel free to contact any of the attorneys in the Tressler Government Group as we are well versed in election law matters and we will be happy to assist you and your clerk.

Make sure to consult your Tressler attorney if you have questions or need assistance with regard to the 2021 election!

For more information about this article, please contact Erik Peck at